Friday, April 3, 2009

New York Vacation - Day 3

Day 3 began much like day 2.... We slept in til 11:00am. We really didn't do too much today. I can't remember where we had lunch, but, we ate somewhere. It must not have been too memorable.

We decided to go to the American Museum of American History. This is where "Night at the Museum" was filmed. There isn't a T-Rex in the main lobby, but there is a dinosaur. There is a statue of President Roosevelt, but it is in front of the building. We purchased the full ticket and saw a couple of shows. One was on dinosaurs and the other had to do with the ocean. They were pretty good. The museum also had a live butterfly display that we were able to see. They were pretty cool. We saw a few other displays that were pretty good. But we were pretty tired from walking and riding around for two days.

We left the museum around 4:30 and went back to our hotel to rest before the play that night. For dinner we decided to go to Carnies Deli again. It was pretty good. Of course we had the same thing. Corned Beef on rye.

We went to the play. Rayma seemed to like it, I was disappointed. I had seen the movie and I made the mistake of comparing the play to the movie. Kind of like comparing a movie to a book, book is usually better.

After the play, we went stopped by Carnies deli and got some cheesecake and apple pie. The apple pie was not very good. But the cheesecake is to die for. It is the biggest cheesecake I've seen. It is easily four inches tall. With Strawberries.... yum. Rayma went on line to see how much it would cost to have one sent to Sandy. The cheesecake was $45 and the shipping cost was $55. It's going to have to be a pretty big event to justify the expense.

We spent the evening renting a movie on the TV, which Rayma slept through and I ate the apple pie and some of the cheesecake. Not a good thing for a diabetic.

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