Monday, March 23, 2009

New York

For Rayma's birthday I decided to take her on a trip. My original plan was to go to San Diego. When I googled airfare for SD, the price was only $70 less than going to New York. Last time we went to NY, we had a wonderful time, so I thought we would do the trip again.

So I went on Expedia and searched for a trip. They had a nice package that included airfare, hotel and one Broadway show. When I reviewed the list of shows there wasn't too many that struck my fancy. So when I saw the show Chicago, I thought, I liked the movie...

So I booked the trip (without any trip insurance). After all of the credit card charges went through I realized that I had booked this during the exact time that Jen was going to have her baby. So I stressed about that for about three weeks.

I made Rayma a birthday card that said "So you just turned 51, Now what are you going to do?" The inside of the card said, "You're going to CHICAGO". My initial thought was to leave it at that and let Rayma think that she was going to Chicago, Ill. and then surprise her when we got on the plane for New York. I didn't think that she would really appreciate that kind of surprise and I worried that she would book Oprah or something, so I spilled the beans and showed her the vouchers for the play.

Luckily, our trip fell two days after Jace was born. So everything worked out pretty well. We paid the outlandish fees the hotel charges to get internet so we could keep up on Jen's blog to see any new pictures.

More about the trip later.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you started a blog! Now I am going to watch closely for updates. This is the only way I journal. I just ordered my 2008 blogs to be printed in a book.

    I am glad you had a good trip. How was Chicago? I can't wait to hear more. I am also glad that Jace was born before you left. It would have been difficult without you there. By the way -- can you email me the photos you took that first night -- or put them on a disc? You have some great shots ... and I would like them :)

    Love ya dad -- you are a fabulous grandpa -- and I am so happy!
